Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blog Action Day 2008-My Plan To Help Change The Path Of Poverty

I feel that to make a change, you should start with the most primary subjects available to us-our children. Children will live what they learn,
as the old poem by Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph. D. goes:

If children live with hostility,
they learn to fight.

If children live with ridicule,
they learn to be shy.

If children live with tolerance,
they learn to be patient.

If children live with encouragement,
they learn confidence.

If children live with praise,
they learn to appreciate.

If children live with fairness,
they learn justice.

If children live with security,
they learn faith.

If children live with approval,
they learn to like themselves.

If children live with acceptance, and friendship,
they learn to find love in the world.

If we teach our children to be aware of their surroundings, and to be held accountable for their own actions, as well as what they can do with very little
effort, or maybe a lot of effort, things will change.

For instance; I just became a Girl Scout Leader. My girls are 2nd & 3rd graders. The first day that we met, we learned about the Girl Scout Law
what it means and how to apply it to our lives. In our second meeting, we talked about service projects. Each girl gave a suggestion of what we could do to either raise money, or donate items to those in need.

Some suggestions were:
Food Drive
Toy Drive
Car wash
Girl Scout benefit concert to raise money (each girl either plays an instrument, sings, or dances)
The could donate their bikes
Garage Sale and donate earnings
Hot Chocolate or Lemonade Stand
Recycle cans and donate earnings

To summarize, I feel that making all of our children aware that they can make a difference will begin an outbreak of philanthropy. It starts with us to
start that movement. Please check out your local United Way, Boys & Girls Club, Big Sister or Big Brother, Kiwanis, etc... You can make a difference!!

p.s. I contacted one of the area elementary schools and asked if they would ask their students to write a brief statement about what they think poverty is, and what they can do to help. Here are the responses from one 2nd grade class:

Poverty maens to me that they have no muney. Brooke, 7

Poverty means that people are pore. Brayden, 7

Poverty mens or pore. U mite not have ane tals. Ashely, 7

Poverty means to me that evry shoud have homes. Poverty means to me that you have no familys. Kaitlyn, 7

Poverty means to me is sad. If I could hellp I would but I do not know were thay liv. I feel very sad I do not know eny. One that is Poverty if I did I would do any thang for them. I can find a way to if I could. Brooklyn 8

Poverty means to me that you are por and have only one pair of shoes and one shirt and one pair of pants. How I can fix it is by doneateing money and toys and clothes. Katelyn, 7

Poverty means to me that they are very very pore. Poverty means to me that every thing is not what it seems. I will fix it by telling the king. Audrey 8

Poverty is wen famelys have very little money. One of my sister friens went throo that. I felt bad. I am going to save money and send it to people that need it. That is why I go to church school every Sunday I go. Sarah, 8

Poverty means to me that people have no money people that don’t have money. I can try to donate money. Gabriel, 7

What poverty means to me is very impornt. Poverty is horuble. I can chaing poverty by donateing money. Poverty means homeless. Evan, 7

Poverty means to me that people need help. Poverty means to me that kids dads moms need help to. I could fix it by sending in food. I could fix it by sending in money. Olivia, 7

I think poverty is bad! I whis I could have the nolig to think what to do about it. Can you help? Jackson, 8

Poverty means that people have no close. Poverty is ware people are fortunateless. I can help people by donating close and money. Elexis, 7

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