Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Indy Zoobilation 2009

I am happy to announce that I am a part of Indy Hub's first ever Twitter Team for Indy Zoobilation! Indy Zoobilation is one of Indianapolis' largest fundraisers, raising over $1 Million Dollars each year for the zoo!

For more info on the event, please visit the Indy Zoo website.

If you are a Twitter user, you can follow the action or even contribute by using the #IndyZoobilation hashtag, and checking out the Indy Zoobilation Twitter stream. Also, if you'd like to follow the official Twitter team for the event, here they are:
and me: @nickilaycoax

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1 comment:

Carey said...

Woot woot! Excited to be part of the team with you, Nicki!