Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What is Squish Designs?

I realize that the majority of my posts are about events that I am either attending or ones that I am involved in the planning of. Either that or I write about things that excite me and I feel will excite others...

I want to take this time in the blogspot of Nicki Laycoax to let my readers know exactly what it is that Squish does.

I tend to say that we do web work... That's a pretty generic description. Squish provides businesses, organizations, and events with useful and practical solutions on the web. Nearly everyone's lives can be made easier with web solutions.
-From static, informative websites, to complex applications that handle multiple operations such as eCommerce, for example...
-We offer solutions for those that need websites that don't want to learn HTML...
-We offer hosting...
-Logo design...
-Web analytics...
-Partnering with other companies on larger development projects
-We welcome the opportunity to provide non-profit organizations with web presences and updates to their current sites either at no cost or very little cost...
-We are the people that you can call up or email at nearly any time of day or night to get advice and get questions answered of why the heck your website and related items aren't doing what you think they should be...
-We love doing anything involving the youth; mentoring, volunteering, teaching...

We at Squish have the mission of improving our communities in a technological way. Contact us to see what we can do for you or your business or group!

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