Monday, February 11, 2008

Website Update

Until now, the Squish Designs website has been pretty close to horrific. It's funny, we preach to our clients that your website is the face of your business-yet ours sucked... Knowing that it was as bad as it was, I volunteered our site for an "Extreme Makeover" on Smaller Indiana.

I was chosen, amongst 3 others, for a makeover. Each person was assigned a professional copywriter to meet with and go over how they could help make our sites better. We were assigned a lovely young woman by the name of Theresia Whitfield. She is the owner of Fletcher Communications. We met for about an hour and a half, and received some pretty helpful information. One thing that we already knew was that our site definitely did not represent our company properly-or at all, for that matter.

Since Squish began as a web design company, and we have not updated our site for quite some time, no one was able to see that we are not strictly a design firm. What Squish focuses on is custom web application development. What is that you ask? Well, Theresia asked the very same question. Funny thing-when she asked me what that is, I was left speechless! I just assumed that everyone today knew what that meant! So, that brought me to the conclusion that I, as well as George and Dru, need to go back to the beginning of when we all started to do this. How can we sell what it is that we do if we can't even explain it! (For others with the same question of what web development is-it is the programming of what you see online. It's not just the creation of the website itself, but how to make it move-it's the creation of the back-end function of the sites you see on the internet.)

Since our meeting, we have been putting together what it is that we want visitors to our site to know. We have also put up our new design, which is still in progress.. but is 100 times better than the old crappy site that we had up. Theresia has also volunteered to write the content for our homepage so that it will be more interesting and attention grabbing than what we can come up with. Thanks Theresia!

To give feedback on how the site makeovers went, the group that participated in this experiment is meeting on February 22nd... I'll keep you updated!!!

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