Thursday, February 28, 2008

Who Links To Me?

During my evening stroll through Smaller Indiana, I came across a name and a profile that interested me. His name is Raymond Angel. I was interested in what he does because he has replied to a few of my discussions on Smaller Indiana, so I visited his website and blog.

While I was visiting his blog, I got the surprise of my night! My name, right there on his site! Someone linked to my blog! Thanks Ray!

Anyway, that got me thinking... I wonder who else is linking to my blog... So, I did a Google search for "who links to my blog?". That search led to

To find out who is linking to you, they provide a small piece of code to paste into your website or blog, and when you click on it, it brings up the wholinkstome site with your domain name in it, you click search, and it gives you the sites that link to you! How cool!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Nicki!

Yup I've been lurking on your blog for a while ;)